Formal Letter of Introduction

Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn


September 1st, 2018


Professor Nancy Clark

The City College of New York

160 Convent Ave,

New York, NY 10031


Dear Professor Clark:

My name is Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn and I am currently a first-year computer science major at the City College of New York. I lived in the Bronx my whole life until my family and I moved to Carmel, New York in June 2016. Despite the long commute from Carmel to Manhattan, I chose to attend the City College of New York because of its compelling engineering program and I prefer an urban campus to a suburban/rural campus. I chose to major in computer science because the world is rapidly approaching into a more technological-innovated world day by day. Computer science is very interesting, and I want to use my interest in computers and motivation of helping others to solve the daily problems going on in today’s technological field.

Several experiences have shaped me into wanting to major in computer science today. A few years ago, I was using my laptop during a thunderstorm and while my parents have reminded me countless times, to stop using my laptop—I did not listen. My laptop screen immediately turned black. I tried every way possible to boost the laptop; but nothing worked. I was devasted because I had important documents saved on there; however, most importantly I was disappointed in myself because I could not believe that I let myself destroy my laptop.  Another impactful moment in my life was that when I was younger, my father was a computer whiz; he used to fix our friends and relatives’ computers and devices, which motivated me to become helpful and kind like him.

Currently, I have several short-term goals that I would like to accomplish within the next few years. Since I am just starting as a freshman, I hope to perform well in all my courses and receive a good grade point average. I want to do one or more internships throughout college in the computer science field and I want to study abroad so I can discover the different opportunities while exploring a different country. My long-term goals are to earn a bachelor’s degree in computer science and to able to find a job right out of a college. With a major in computer science, I aspire to get a career as a computer forensics specialist or a computer programmer. As of right now, I am unsure because I do not have a lot of experience working in the engineering field; therefore, I want to do internships to gain knowledge. Being a computer forensics specialist is an interesting career profession that I would like to do because there are many people trying to steal information from the public nowadays and companies need help to catch the suspects. I took forensics class in my junior year of high school and the subject really caught my attention the entire time because of how captivating it was; not only will I be able to catch criminals, I will be able to use my knowledge of computer science to protect important information from getting into someone else’s hands.

As the world moves on with more technological enhancements and innovations such as machines preparing food and robots doing factory work, this is a big sign that tells us that the world will need more engineers to aid and play a major role in keeping everything in shape. Although I have not decided what profession to pursue as a career, I know that whichever field I pick will highly affect the people around me and a job like a cybersecurity analyst, for example, is a profession that is heavily relied on. I hope to discover many things and to grow as an individual at the City College of New York. By becoming a computer science major, I hope to be well informed about the different techniques people use to solve problems relating to technology.  Therefore, I would like to take part in assisting the public by making their experience with technology efficient and safe.







Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn