Final Project Proposal (Abstract Only)


Running Head: SPACE CONSERVATION                                                                                1







Space Conservation Research Proposal

Yasmini, Persaud, Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn, Sarenny Paredes,

Luana Nahue, Mariana Hoyos

The City College of New York







Running Head: SPACE CONSERVATION                                                                                2


        In the city, there are cars everywhere. A resident could spend hours looking for a parking spot and ends up blocks away from their desired location. Presently, traffic is just as horrendous as parking and the demand for a solution becomes greater as more people are drawn to the allures of an urban lifestyle. We propose, underground parking garages should be implemented throughout the city to ease the search for parking and the unsightly crowds of cars.

       Our garage can hold two hundred vehicles and has multiple entrances. To avoid empty space we have elevators, at each entrance, that moves up and down and side to side. Once the car is secure to a platform, the driver will go onto the mobile app and get a location coordinate for their car. From there, the multi-directional elevator will take the car to its coordinate parking. When the driver is on his/ her way back to their car, they can use the mobile app to have their car come out of the garage. The app will have the closest elevator retrieve the car. By the time the driver gets there, the car will be ready to move.

       Once these parking garages are built, there will be more parking and less cars on the street. That will provide more space for traffic, less time spent on parking, cars will be protected from extreme weather or paint damage from too much heat on a summer day. There will also be a boost in the economy because city dwellers will now have the space for cars. Our garage will open up new possibilities for an urban lifestyle.