Final Self-Assessment

Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn

Professor Clark

English 21007-B

13 December 2018


Final Self-Assessment (of entire class)

Throughout this English course, I was exposed to many new types of writing and I was able to improve my skills by doing writing assignments, communicating with the professor and classmates, and by reading the textbook. My perspective on engineering have also widened because I was able to meet other students with engineering majors and I got to learn their ideas and mindsets. Each class session, I did different writing assignments and class activities that helped stimulated my learning experience. In the beginning of the course, I had very little knowledge in technical writing. However, by the end of this course, I was able to showcase the knowledge I learned from the semester in my recent assignments and in the final project.

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Technical Description Reflection Essay

Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn

Professor Clark

English 21007-B

24 November 2018


Technical Description Self-Reflection

            In the technical description assignment, I described an object by breaking it down into its parts and explaining how each part works. The object I have chosen was the Sony Alpha 5000 digital camera. Writing the technical description came with several different challenges. Firstly, while writing the description of the different camera parts, it was hard to maintain a passive voice. I was trying not to write as if I was giving instructions and tried to maintain a consistent passive voice throughout the description as well. I do think that the writing style was similar in the lab report, and since I had trouble in that assignment. The lab report did help me improve in the technical description. I also tried to keep a balance between making the technical description sound clear while incorporating enough details and information for the reader to understand how the camera functions without sounding too confusing. I had to explain to an audience who may have never used the object before and it was a challenge for me because I knew the object so well that explaining it in a simpler means was harder.

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Lab Report Reflection Essay

Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn

Professor Clark

English 21007-B

15 October 2018


Self-Reflection on Lab Report

            The purpose of this assignment was to write a technical lab report on an experiment of whether bananas would be preserved better in the refrigerator or in the freezer in comparison to the degradation rate under room temperature. From doing this assignment, I learned that bananas react to different temperatures and that there are several factors that can affect the accuracy of the results such as the refrigerator and freezer door being opened many times. The format of a lab report was difficult to write in because this was my first time writing one. Firstly, the report was supposed to be in a passive voice which meant that I was not able to use “I” or “my” since I had to make the experiment seem applicable to everyone. Secondly, the report followed APA format which was something I am unfamiliar with because I have been using MLA format in my previous writing classes. However, this assignment did help me become more familiar with using the APA format. Thirdly, this lab report was difficult to write because I tend to be very wordy in my writing and it was difficult to make my report sound less complex.

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Memo Reflection Essay

Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn

Professor Clark

English 21007-B

21 September 2018


Self-Reflection on Memo Assignment

            My assignment was to write a memo to inform Dr. Vincent Boudreau, the President at the City College of New York about an ongoing issue at the campus. The characteristic features of the memo included a heading (to, from, date, and the subject), the introduction/background, and the solution. Certain items in the memo can also be bulleted for easy reading. Lastly, the memo ended with a statement asking for a follow-up meeting and it required putting the sender’s contact information at the end. The message that a memo is trying to convey is to inform or persuade within an organization. The exigency of this essay was that I had to create a memo that addresses an ongoing issue at the City College and I felt that limited seating in the cafeteria in the North Academic Center is one of the common problems students face. Therefore, that specific issue motivated me to write the memo.

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To:      Dr. Vincent Boudreau, President of the City College of New York

From: Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn, student at the City College of New York

Date:  September 11, 2018

Re:      Limited seating area in the North Academic Center cafeteria



I am a freshman at the City College of New York and I would like to address an ongoing issue occurring here at this institution; limited seating area in the North Academic Center cafeteria. Many students leave class to find that there is no space for them to sit. This causes an overwhelming situation, which leads to many of them to scour the campus to find somewhere else to sit. Most of the time when there are no seats in the cafeteria, there are also barely any sitting area in the library as well, which leads to students looking for a place outside, hallways, or perhaps even outside the campus. There are several reasons why this can cause a problem:

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Formal Letter of Introduction

Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn


September 1st, 2018


Professor Nancy Clark

The City College of New York

160 Convent Ave,

New York, NY 10031


Dear Professor Clark:

My name is Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn and I am currently a first-year computer science major at the City College of New York. I lived in the Bronx my whole life until my family and I moved to Carmel, New York in June 2016. Despite the long commute from Carmel to Manhattan, I chose to attend the City College of New York because of its compelling engineering program and I prefer an urban campus to a suburban/rural campus. I chose to major in computer science because the world is rapidly approaching into a more technological-innovated world day by day. Computer science is very interesting, and I want to use my interest in computers and motivation of helping others to solve the daily problems going on in today’s technological field.

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