
Hello, my name is Pitcha Sudjaritjuntorn. I am currently a freshman and I am majoring in Computer Science at the City College of New York. This is my website that shows all the work I have done for my Writing for Engineers English class.

My parents are from Thailand and I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. I hope to become a programmer and create many new and innovative programs for the future! My favorite subjects are Physics and Spanish. My hobbies are reading, dancing to K-pop, taking pictures of food, coding, watching Thai dramas, making movies, exploring new food and places, and volunteering!

Taking this English class has opened up my eyes to many things. I got to meet many classmates who are also engineer majors and I was really amazed by how smart and innovative they are; from hearing their ideas and past experiences, this course made me realize even more on how engineers have an impact to our society. This English class also helped me improve a lot on my technical writing skills!

My blog posts consist of the different assignments I’ve done throughout the course. I hope you will enjoy my blog!